Wednesday, April 27, 2011

EBS R12 Database Wallet Setup

Import Certificate:


-> Connect to https://< Application URL>/OA_HTML/ibyecapp with internet explorer:

-> Obtain the trusted certs from the website:

- Right Click on internet explorer page > properties > certificates > certification path

- highlighted the topmost certificate (VeriSign) and select 'view certificate'

- in this screen select 'details' and then 'copy to file'

- the 'certificate export wizard' appears

- client 'next' and select 'base-64 encoded x.509(.cer)' and click 'next'

- save the file as a .cer file in a location where you can access it.

- 'finish' and export should be successfull

-> Repeat for the rest of the trusted certs:

- repeat abpove steps for all of the certs except the bottom most one, which is the user

cert and shouldn't be needed.

- all of these certs will be imported into the same wallet.

- make sure that the wallet is set to auto open

- save the wallet in a location where you can access it. for example d:\tars\utl_http

- repeat abpove steps for all of the certs except the bottom most one, which is the user cert and shouldn't be needed.

Database Wallet Setup and Certificate Import


Create Wallet Directory


-> Create a directory wallet in $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/wallet

Configure Wallet


Connect to Database server using any VNC or export Display

-> cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin

Start oracle wallet manager


-> owm

- wallet > new > password (wallet password) > no cert request.

- operations > import trusted certificate > select the cer files

- this should import the trusted cert

- all of these certs will be imported into the same wallet.

- make sure that the wallet is set to auto open

- save the wallet in a location where you can access it.$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/wallet

-> Update profile Database Wallet Directory (FND_DB_WALLET_DIR) ans set it to point to the

directory where the wallet is saved (directory absolute path).

Test the setup by running the following script from the DB tier:


Connect as Apps user

SQL>variable wallet_loc varchar2(300);

SQL>exec begin :wallet_loc := iby_netutils_pvt.path_to_url('&value_of_FND_DB_WALLET_DIR');


SQL>select utl_http.request('https://:443/OA_HTML/ibyecapp', null, :wallet_loc, null) from dual;

A correct response should be:

.... IBY_204704...OapfStatus


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